Thursday, September 23, 2010

Field study

I took my biology students out to a gazebo our school has that is in some woods.  I wanted them to undertake a major project where they make observations of one plant throughout the year.  Of course I told them they had to pick a large plant like a tree or bush that would be there and not die away like wildflowers and grasses.  I walked around taking pictures of them at work, making sure they are getting thie sketches done, etc.  I am off near the end of the boundary I let them have checking on some students.  I hear a girl scream and I take off running as quick as I can over the rough field.  When I get there I find out a boy had scared a girl by saying there was a snake.  It was a relief that no one was hurt but I sure gave him an earful.  He meant it as a harmless joke but you never know what consequences can occur.  I could laugh later when my heart went back where it was supposed to.  I got some good photos of nature and the kids out in it.  They liked being out there and want to do it more often.  I wish we could too.

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