Sunday, September 12, 2010


      I have been buried under a pile of papers to grade for about a week and I took this weekend to get them almost caught up.  I had about 12" of papers I had to grade and am down to about 2-3".  I have GOT to figure something else out!  (I still have to finish reading the Bloom's book and write my paper for that too.)
     When I handed back the first few papers in the first week, one girl told another teacher she wasn't used to getting papers back in Biology.  She had to repeat from last year and I guess that teacher didn't make it a point to return things.  I am trying my best to not repeat that.  I look at everything or try to make comments and corrections on the most important stuff--study packets, homework.  I don't correct things like bellwork and other things that we go over together.  I just give them participation or a few points for even trying those.
I have warned them I am taking classes too and that I may not always get things back to them quickly.
     I could always give less homework but then the kids don't get the reinforcement on what we covered that day in class or a chance to cover all the material we need for the next test.  I just need to stay on top of it better--along with everything else we all have-- or I'll get buried again!

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean. I have to realize that the more homework I give my students, the more I have to grade! I spend all that glorious time commenting the work, just for students to look at the grade and throw it in the trash without a second look. Binder checks next nine weeks!
