Thursday, September 9, 2010

I feel silly--oh so silly!

There is one student in my 2nd period Biology class who has to correct me on anything he can.  He had a field day today when he got to show me how to use a feature on the laptop I use for my united streaming videos.  Obviously I hadn't taken the time to look at all of the features on the tool bar and he showed me how to make the video full-sized.  The kids had been complaining they couldn't see the videos very well.  Well, didn't I feel silly when he they asked me in all disbelief--don't you know how to do that?  No I said,  I don't know everything.  Well, you should--you're the teacher.  I told them there was nothing wrong with me learning something from them too.  I'm not sure they knew how to take that.  The good Lord is keeping me humble--that's OK.

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