Saturday, October 2, 2010

rethink, revise, retry

One thing I have come to realize is that these kids have not had much exposure to science equipment, or haven't been challenged throughout their school careers in the subject of science.  I am teaching skills that they should have had since 5th, 6th grades.  I mean my high school students.  My 8th graders will be in a lot better shape when they get to 10th grade biology.  But having to start with such basic skills is taking a toll on pacing.  There is NO way I will get through the material that I am supposed to cover for the EOCT by April.  Then there are other hinderances like having to take two days of class time to take a pre-ACT test.  One day for the paperwork and one day for the test.
Not only have I had to rethink things, I have needed to give that opportunity to my students too.  We took a test which very few passed.  It was due to their lack of writing skills.  Those that passed did the short answer and essays.  The others didn't even attempt it.  We took a different version of the test and they did much better on it.  It didnt have so much writing on it though.  I will have to build up to the essays, and have their English teachers help with that one.

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