Wednesday, December 1, 2010

blah blah blog

I really enjoyed doing a blog.  I consider it a digital journal.  I have kept a journal since 5th grade so it is something I am used to doing.  The biggest difference I see is that other people will view this so I had to be careful with what I wrote.  I am used to letting loose in my personal journal so I had to read and re-read, checking it over as if I were soemone else viewing it.  Another difference would be how I had to monitor what I wrote to keep out family references.  I am used to writing anything and everything as it crosses my mind.  I have been so busy with teaching, clooege work and life in general that I have let the blog replace my regular journal to some extent.  I will probably do this again with my students.  I think it would be something they would enjoy and a way for me to receive feedback from them about class and school.

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